Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

Bonsai care

Cuidados del bonsái

The bonsai care is not as complicated a task as it may seem, in fact it is an ancient art almost 2000 years old that originated in the Taoist monks of China. It was considered a pastime for the privileged class since this tree represented a bridge between the earth and the sky, and its […]

Adult bonsai care

Cuidados de bonsáis adultos

Over the years, care and growing bonsai trees has given rise to different methods of care that meet the physical and artistic requirements of this wonderful tree. All the trees that are grown in pots or small containers, thereby preventing their growth and obtaining the form of miniature tree by a special pruning are known […]

Bonsai care for early summer

Cuidados del bonsái para el inicio de verano

Bonsai trees are categorized by their slow growth and extraordinarily extensive life cycles, which also give a genuine and pleasant touch in gardens in which they are planted. They are very resistant to climate changes and their leaves have characteristics that allow them to remain always alive, surviving adversity and different environmental situations. Summer: Bonsai […]

Tips for bonsai care

Consejos para el cuidado de bonsáis

A bonsai is a tree that requires exceptional care in their full development; however, it’s not a difficult task for instincts garden. A bonsai care routine in which it’s invested in a short time can maintain this minimum scale tree in perfect condition. The site where it will be placed, irrigation and fertilizer are the […]