Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

How to know the age of an olive tree

Cómo saber la edad de un olivo milenario

Millenary olive trees are characterized by exceeding 4 meters of perimeter in the trunk that each perimeter grows every 200 years, is also characterized by reaching 2 to 4 meters in height and for more than 200 years. To know the age of an olive it is necessary to make a cut in a section […]

An indoor olive bonsai

An indoor olive bonsai

A bonsai is a tree grown in a pot, it requires a very particular care since from its root and the position in different places of the home can depend its healthy growth and the properties for the spiritual harmony of the house according to beliefs and traditions. Olive bonsai in particular, has become popular […]

Tips for buying a millenary olive tree


When buying a tree of this type should take into account important details not only for the care but to choose the olive tree that best suits, in order to make a virtuous purchase that benefits the look of home and decorate to perfection the garden. A millenary olive is the ideal option for those […]