Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

Ornamental pruning of olive trees

Ornamental pruning is a technique or geometric cut used to create and maintain a tree or shrub with some desired shape. This technique is based on regularly cutting the buds of branches and leaves that protrude from the established profile or design. In the case of olive trees, there are different types of ornamental pruning, […]

Protect the fruit of the olive tree after its extraction

Proteger el fruto del olivo luego de su extracción

The fruit of the olive tree, both the centenary and the millenary is the olive and from it is extracted an oil that is marketed as «olive oil», this is used for different purposes depending on the country and the need of consumers. It is important to know the importance of protect the fruit of […]

Importance of olive trees in Spain

Importancia del olivo en España

The olive trees in Spain is usually cultivated in the Mediterranean basin where it represents 95% of the crop and in regions where the climate is usually mild. The cultivation in Spain was influenced by the Arabs. It was they who introduced their varieties in southern Spain. And it was the Spaniards who brought these […]

Where an olive tree should be planted?

¿Dónde se debe plantar un olivo?

The planting of an olive tree can be done on terraces or terraces with minimal erosion and possible water loss, in ridges, level cures, in soils with a good surface profile for cultivation, but with drainage difficulties. To plant an olive tree, several suitable procedures are usually done for a perfect result. Recommendations when planting […]

How to extract olive oil from the centenary olive tree

Como extraer el aceite del fruto del olivo centenario

The centenary olive tree is normally less productive and mechanizable than the millenary olive, this characteristic makes the extraction of the oil from the fruit more expensive in the centenarians. The fruit of the centenary olive tree is the olive and from it the olive oil is extracted; This oil is very important for the […]

Water in the care of the millenary olive tree

El agua en el cuidado del olivo milenario

Millenary olive trees are excellent for decorating gardens, courtyards and open spaces, for this reason the care of the millenary olive tree is important to keep it radiant and healthy as they usually last for many years if their care is well done. The necessary tips The recommendations or considerations to take into account for […]

Where to buy a Macrobonsai

Donde comprar un Macrobonsai

Macrobonsai are larger trees or plants than conventional bonsai, but are usually smaller than trees that grow normally in an ecosystem. These are commonly in gardens and large patios. It avoids its great growth using the technique of elimination and selection of buds, pruning and wiring of some branches to control and restrict too vigorous sprouting. […]

Advantages of having a millennial olive tree at home

Advantages of having a millennial olive tree at home

The olive trees, besides being beautiful, majestic trees that reflect abundance and peace in the environment, are welcoming trees and extremely fruitful. They are considered to be specimens that provide good fortune the place where they are, especially if you have a millenial olive tree at home as they provide a sophisticated style and tranquility. […]

The fruits of the olive tree. What to do?

Temporada de frutos del olivo centenario ¿Qué hacer?

By having an olive tree that begins to bear fruit the doubt about what to do arises as soon as the first shoots appear, the first thing to do is to detect the maturity of the fruits that can be denoted with the color of the olive. There are some countries such as Italy, France […]

What to do if a millenary olive tree becomes ill

Qué hacer si un olivo milenario enferma

There is doubt about whether the millenary olive tree can get sick, unfortunately like all living beings, there are some external agents that can cause diseases in the olive tree and it is important to identify them and know how to treat them in time so that they heal soon and can recover from these […]