Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

Transplanting plants from one pot to another

Transplanting plants from one pot to another

Transplanting Plants is an important task in gardening and at the same time helps plants to stay healthy. When a plant grows too large for its current pot, its roots can be damaged or suffocated, resulting in slower growth and unhealthy appearance. To avoid this damage, you must transfer the plants from your current pot […]

Mistakes in gardening that should be avoided

Mistakes in gardening that should be avoided

It is normal to make mistakes in gardening, especially when nothing is known about the subject. When we first start gardening, we may think that after all, they are vegetables and need water, soil and sun to grow and be healthy; On the one hand it is true, but with this is not enough, it […]

Bonsai for interior and exterior

bonsái para interiores y exteriores

Because bonsai come from trees that grow on the outside, it is normal to think that they cannot be grown indoors, however there are trees that can live under the conditions that are mostly presented in the interiors of homes and therefore when deciding to grow A bonsai should think about the place where it […]

How to choose the indicated bonsai

Como elegir el bonsái indicado

One piece that gives greatness to any garden are the bonsai and choose the indicated bonsai can help keep the garden full of life at all times. A Japanese tradition that is now recognized and practiced all over the world, bonsai are easy to care for and cultivate if you take appropriate measures for its […]

Maintenance of the olive trees in the gardens

Maintenance of the olive trees in the gardens

The maintenance of the olive trees seems somewhat complicated if you only observe this impressive ancient tree; however, its characteristics allow anyone to take care of him in any garden without many complications. The olive trees are trees belonging to the family of alliaceous reach a height of about four meters in their adulthood and […]

Basic tasks of gardening

Tareas básicas de la jardinería

Performing the basic tasks of gardening is paramount to maintaining a garden full of life and health. Irrigation, sowing or pruning are some of the basic tasks on which to investigate and know their secrets in order to offer plants everything they need to live and develop in good conditions and every good gardener must […]

How to grow roses in the garden

How to grow roses in the garden

Grow roses is not a difficult task, in the world there are many beautiful varieties of roses, which can be differentiated by the tonality of the flowers or by the resistance they have to slightly more adverse climates, because of this is of great importance to select very well the variety of roses to be […]

Types of roses for gardens

Types of roses for gardens

Roses are one of the most beautiful, traditional and fragrant flowers you can plant in your garden, there are no roses without thorns, but these great flowers have the advantage of not requiring much care, all they need is a little attention, a Sunny position and a good drainage. Any variety of roses look good […]

How to grow mushrooms in the garden

Como cultivar setas en el jardín

To enjoy exquisite mushrooms, you do not have to go out to the forest or the local market. You can harvest them in your own garden; as long as the climate and soil allow you to grow the appropriate tree species and these are carriers of these mushrooms. All the mushrooms grow at the feet […]

White flowers for interior decoration

White flowers for interior decoration

Accompanying the decorations of the home with white flowers is in fashion this year for those who decorate the homes with the latest trends, this year being the green color as the protagonist and for him, the white color of the flowers is striking and beautiful. When decorating the home with white flowers, the elements […]