Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

When to water the plants

Cuando se debe regar las plantas

Water the plants is of vital importance since plants are like people, throughout their life requires special care as well as humans need to drink, plants too, that some plants do not require a frequent watering. If a plant is not watered properly it will begin to wither and may suffer leaf fall. On the […]

Weed control in the lawn

Control de malas hierbas en el césped

No one likes to admire their garden and find weed. They make your garden look sloppy and ugly, so many people are dedicated to eliminating them and making sure they do not grow back. There are many ways to get rid of these pests. You can eliminate weeds with preventative maintenance and the use of […]

How to choose the first bonsai?

¿Cómo elegir el primer bonsái?

When purchasing the first bonsai, you should consider some aspects that will help maintain it properly for a long time. For lovers of gardening it is unavoidable to fall in love with these wonderful trees at some point. Bonsai are a beautiful expression of gardening art in which the owner cultivates, cares and forms the […]

Achieve privacy with plants that grow fast

Lograr privacidad con plantas que crecen rápido

To achieve privacy in homes with open terraces, plants that grow fast are a great option. In many occasions we need to achieve as quickly as possible a barrier that provides the privacy that is sought on the ground and it is common to think of walls and walls, but in the case of terraces […]

How to select plants and flowers for the garden

Como seleccionar las plantas y flores para el jardín

When select plants and flowers to be grown in the garden, all are beautiful and colorful, what should be taken into account are the factors that will allow plants to grow without complications that make them sick. All the regions present special climatic conditions that make that different types of plants can be cultivated without major […]

Ideas for decorating gardens at Christmas

Ideas para decorar jardines en navidad

Decorating gardens at Christmas is a common task of these dates, together with the decoration of homes both inside and outside; gardens are part of Christmas in homes. The Christmas decorations in the gardens make the look more striking and beautiful for everyone, in addition, the whole home reflect the joy and the notion of […]

Winter plants ideal for growing


Winter plants are an alternative to the gardens at this time, it is important to keep the plants well-kept so that they spend the winter season without problems. Not all plants resist cold winters, but some of them have qualities that allow them to live and bloom in these seasons, being an elegant option when […]

How to protect plants from cold

Como proteger las plantas del frio

Protect plants from cold is important during the winter, when we grow a garden we usually think of seeing it fresh, picturesque and full of flowers in sunny and hot times, in addition most plants live and bloom is during spring and summer . Outdoor plants, especially those grown in pots suffer during the winter […]

How to create focal points in the garden

Como crear puntos focales en el jardín

During the creation of a garden, it is normal to establish focal points, in which the view of people is centered when observing the whole environment. Usually the gardens have any until when it is not planned; the difference is that this point can be of bad aspect if it is not distributed well the […]

Artificial light for plants

Luz artificial para plantas

An attractive option for indoor plants is artificial light, for plants, the light is necessary, without it cannot properly perform the process of photosynthesis and it is very normal that most homes have indoor plants. Although not all plants should receive constant light, it is important that they be carried occasionally according to their conditions. […]