How to make an artificial vertical garden – Macrobonsai®

Vertical gardens are one of the best solutions for the lack of space in many houses, especially in large cities. It is the most efficient and easiest way to enjoy a piece of nature in urban settings. However, when making an artificial vertical garden, it is important to take into account a number of aspects […]
Organic Pellet Fertilizer – Macrobonsai®

To finish the explanation, we present you the option of using organic fertilizer in pellets. Pellets are a very small, cylindrical product that are used mainly as fuel, as they are easily accessible and are a very good renewable option. However, pellets are also an exceptional natural fertilizer, since those used for the well-being of […]
Abonos orgánicos caseros – Macrobonsai®

Abonos orgánicos caseros Muchos de los abonos orgánicos tienen como ventaja sus bajos costos de producción y fácil elaboración. A continuación, desde unCOMO, te presentamos varios tipos de abono orgánico casero que puedes preparar fácilmente. Abono orgánico líquido, abono orgánico en pellets y abono orgánico ecológico que nutrirá al máximo tus cultivos. Abono orgánico de […]
Quels sont les engrais et les types organiques – Macrobonsai

Si vous voulez améliorer la qualité des plantations et augmenter la quantité de nutriments dans le sol, les engrais organiques sont exactement ce dont vous avez besoin. Parmi les avantages de l’utilisation d’engrais organiques, il y a aussi sa capacité à augmenter l’activité microbienne du sol, ainsi que la faible consommation d’énergie que sa préparation […]
How to fertilize an olive tree

The fertilizer is an organic or inorganic substance that provides nutrients to the plants that soil alone does not provide. To fertilize an olive tree is used a substance that can be made based on nitrogen, potassium, calcium, manure, worms, fruit waste, among other elements; The truth is that the mixture of some of these […]
Importance of olive trees in Spain

The olive trees in Spain is usually cultivated in the Mediterranean basin where it represents 95% of the crop and in regions where the climate is usually mild. The cultivation in Spain was influenced by the Arabs. It was they who introduced their varieties in southern Spain. And it was the Spaniards who brought these […]
An indoor olive bonsai

A bonsai is a tree grown in a pot, it requires a very particular care since from its root and the position in different places of the home can depend its healthy growth and the properties for the spiritual harmony of the house according to beliefs and traditions. Olive bonsai in particular, has become popular […]
How to protect an olive tree from the cold December

A Centennial Olive Tree is a tree that is found mainly in Southern Europe. Due to its antiquity it is considered a sacred tree being called in some regions as a symbol of peace and life. It is also coveted for its fruits, its exotic natural beauty and its resistance to the various climatic changes […]
Olive or wild olive? His qualities and differences

The wild olive is a shrub found in the family of olive trees, is very similar and often tend to be confused by people. It’s a common shrub in Mediterranean soil. Knowing a little more about the wild olive it could be easier to differentiate and thus know if what you visualize is a wild […]