Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

What is a centenarian olive tree?

Centennial olive trees

A centenarian olive tree is a variety of tree highly extended throughout all the Mediterranean and receives its tittle of centenary because they are specimens that thanks to its slow rate of growth are able to live a lot more than even thousands of years remaining formidably firm to the passage of the years. They […]

Benefits of olive tree

Benefits of olive tree

For thousands of years the olive tree has been part of the lives of people and has become a tree of great importance throughout the Mediterranean. Since Egyptian times and the benefits that brought this great tree and was used by people as a source of food and health were known. In addition to the […]

Know the different olive trees that Macrobonsai has for you

Conoce los distintos olivos que MacroBonsai tiene para ti

Macrobonsai.com (i Iberplant gardening supplies, S.L.) is a company dedicated to the cultivation and sale of olive trees in bonsai style. With over 25 years of experience in the market, Macrobonsai offers people a wide range of products and advice when choosing the right olive tree; also it offers service and all the trees are […]

The culture behind the centenary olive tree

La cultura detrás del olivo centenario

The olive tree is one of the most popular and well-known trees in the world, especially in Europe and the Iberian Peninsula. It’s a symbol of peace in some societies and can live for hundreds of years; besides this is the tree that produces olive (olive in some countries) which is an excellent and very […]