Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab 10:00 a 13:30

Ornamental pruning of olive trees

Ornamental pruning is a technique or geometric cut used to create and maintain a tree or shrub with some desired shape. This technique is based on regularly cutting the buds of branches and leaves that protrude from the established profile or design. In the case of olive trees, there are different types of ornamental pruning, […]

How to perform ornamental pruning

Como realizar la poda ornamental

To perform ornamental pruning requires more patience and dedication than maintenance pruning, because when performing ornamental pruning what is sought is to create a work of art within nature, involving some varieties of plants and shrubs that have the Qualities necessary for this activity. People who are starting out in the art of ornamental pruning […]

The art of topiary or ornamental pruning

El arte de la topiaria o poda ornamental

The art of topiary or ornamental pruning has had a certain period of fame a few years ago thanks to the famous film by Tim Burton the young hands of scissors. There, ornamental pruning is brought to paroxysm in truly original forms like dinosaurs, giant hands, mythological animals, to name a few. It is worth […]