How to protect centennial olive trees from climate change

Centennial olive trees are a type of tree considered ancestral and majestic, they represent great symbols such as virtue and strength. They are called centennials because they manage to live more than 100 years for that reason their importance in the world, they have managed to go through many changes in the planet and to […]
How often watering a centennial olive tree

Centennial olive trees are excellent for decorating gardens and open spaces, according to traditions they bring good fortune and represent strength. Because they manage to withstand climatic changes very well and adapt in all types of terrain, even in arid and dry conditions, it is a tree that can last between 100 and 200 years. […]
10 things you must know about centenary olive trees

The centenary olive trees are imposing plants that are well known by their rustic appearance and great presence but there are many facts about these gorgeous trees that you probably do not know, that is why we offer this top so you can know more about the highlights, the curious facts and important information about […]
What is a millennial olive?

A millennial olive is a majestic tree characterized by its resistant nature and imposing appearance. They come from the Mediterranean region and the Iberian Peninsula and one of their main characteristic is it long live time and high resistant to the hardest climate conditions including long droughts and arid climates, sprouting after hard times with […]