How to protect centennial olive trees from climate change

Centennial olive trees are a type of tree considered ancestral and majestic, they represent great symbols such as virtue and strength. They are called centennials because they manage to live more than 100 years for that reason their importance in the world, they have managed to go through many changes in the planet and to […]
Everything you need to know about millenary olive trees

It is incredible to get on the planet species that have managed to surpass the great climatic changes and to survive conditions, historical stages and thousands of risks. Trees are one of the species that best represent the longevity and majesty of life on the planet, as is the case of millenary olive trees, which […]
What is a centenarian olive tree?

A centenarian olive tree is a variety of tree highly extended throughout all the Mediterranean and receives its tittle of centenary because they are specimens that thanks to its slow rate of growth are able to live a lot more than even thousands of years remaining formidably firm to the passage of the years. They […]
Millennials olive tree for your garden

One of the most appreciated trees in the world are the millennials olive tree, because they have stood strong throughout millions of years keeping firm and resistant and giving of all the benefits besides conserving of an imposing appearance that makes then the ideal tree to preserve in any garden for many years. You can […]
Perfect plants to accompany your Macrobonsai Centennial Olive

Macrobonsai centennial olive is a shrub that requires special care and different compared to other variety of shrubs and plants, although it’s easy to care and survives by itself to any climate change through the years; few care such as watering and proper pruning help growth and strength. That is why we must take into […]
Centennial olive tree: its watering and care through youth

Having a centennial olive tree at home can be a pleasant experience and also something that will give to your garden a different and beautiful environment that certainly any notice. The centennial olive trees are trees that thanks to its virtues and the special quality of the evergreen, live for hundreds of years without any […]
The most suitable garden plants for summer

Having a garden at home is a great way to have a space of meditation and rest, proper to spend time with family or transcend loneliness. There are all kinds of plants that can live in all kinds of temperatures and environments within the plantae kingdom, existing species of different sizes and colors to create […]
How to plant a tree: watering and care

Planting a tree can be a task of great interest to people who have a garden. Besides being of great interest to the world and nature in general; trees are an excellent way to fight global warming. These absorb CO2 and gases with greenhouse properties being even a food source, shade and shelter for insects […]
Millennial olive trees with Macrobonsai

The Millennial olive trees are a kind of tree trunk on size and width. With an ancient history of over 6,000 years, these wonderful trees are of Mediterranean origin and are greatly in Spain and around the Iberian Peninsula. They can live for hundreds of years; one of the oldest studied in Spain recorded an […]