Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The poinsettia is one of the most seen plants at Christmas and is actually known by many names such as, for example, Christmas plant, Christmas plant, Christmas flower, Christmas bush, Poinsettia, poinsettia, shepherdess, poinsettia , Poinsettia flower or, by its scientific name, Euphorbia pulcherrima.

How to water the poinsettia

Very characteristic of the Christmas season. However, it turns out that there are more than 100 varieties of this plant and not only do they exist in Christmas red, but they can be seen in colors such as burgundy, pink, white, salmon or even multicolored.

Both at Christmas and the rest of the year, if you want to maintain good health, it is important to take care of this plant properly, covering its vital needs, such as irrigation. Watering a plant seems simple, but in the case of this plant a standard watering cannot be applied because it needs another procedure for the health of its leaves. To discover how to water the poinsettia.

When to water the poinsettia

Knowing exactly when to water the poinsettia and the frequency of watering it needs is essential for the health of its leaves to be good and not to deteriorate or fall due to a lack or an excess of water, as well as for the general health of plant. For this reason, it is important to differentiate when to water the Poinsettia at two very different times of the year: winter and summer.

• Watering the poinsettia in summer requires a reduction in frequency. Once a week is enough for the plant to stay in good condition. Only in very dry and warm areas should you increase your watering in summer.
• Watering the poinsettia in winter requires great abundance, especially at the beginning of the season because the plant will be in the flowering stage. Therefore, water a little twice a week, observing that the substrate does not dry out completely and remains somewhat damp.