Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The best way to keep the garden in good condition is to look after the plants properly and especially soil because soil plants absorb the nutrients they need to live without any problem, that’s why you should know how to keep the ground to be ideal for the growth of garden plants.

Overall, the garden soil should be easy to work with capacity to absorb water well and having adequate depth for the growth of plant roots. Keeping the well-kept garden´s soil guarantee the good condition of plants and garden lawn, so some tips to have the ideal soil in the garden are presented here.

Ideal soil for garden plants

Depth: the soil should be deep enough for the roots of plants can grow freely and this must not have large stones to prevent root growth.

Structure: The soil must have a crumbly and aerated structure, thus it is easy to work and help the healthy growth of plants, the soil can be improved with organic materials that serve as fertilizer for the soil.

Water: the soil must have very good capacity to retain water as are the clay soil, sandy soil can be mixed with peat or soil organic matter. If the soil retains little water should be watered less quantity and more frequently.

Nutrients: clayey soils better absorb nutrients, but must be maintained with organic matter such as manure, compost or peat, sandy soils should be applied slow-release fertilizer to slowly dissolve and soils hold nutrients necessary for plants.

PH: the soil must maintain a PH between 5.5 and 8. Most of the soil is maintained in this range but in cases contrary should be corrected so that no short supply nutrients for plants.

Fungi and worms: should disinfect the soil periodically to avoid these annoyances, preferably every 3 years, there are chemicals to disinfect soils, although many people prefer to disinfect the garden soil using the method of solarization, which is highly effective.

If the soil holds all these conditions, it will be the perfect environment for plant growth and for keeping them free of disease.