Caring for a macrobonsai can be a bit daunting for beginners, but with this guide you should be safe from this problem. We will investigate the causes of your tree shedding and associated remedies!
Indoor bonsai
Indoor macrobonsai should be kept above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15 degrees Celsius) year-round, which means that in most climates they should be kept indoors during the winter. Most of the indoor bonsai do not lose their leaves (Ficus, Carmona, etc.), unless some problem occurs:
Overwatering is a common reason when Indoor Bonsai has been planted in a poor substrate that holds too much water. A few months of overwatering will lead to root rot, which is only visible when the tree begins to lose strength and lose its leaves. It should be watered only when the substrate dries slightly and once the tree improves, it should be transplanted using a better substrate.
Lack of irrigation is also a common cause. The Bonsai is placed in a tiny pot and therefore does not have too many reserves. If you forget to water your tree, the roots will die and so will the tree. While in excess of watering the tree slowly loses its strength, with lack of watering the tree will lose all its leaves in a few days. Unfortunately there is no cure for this, so make sure you keep an eye on your tree and don’t forget to water it.
Another problem, especially when placing Bonsai indoors, is poor lighting. Place your tree in front of a window facing South preferably. Trees need a lot of light!
Macrbons from Exterior
Outdoor Bonsai must be kept outdoors throughout the year. Typical outdoor bonsai species include Junipero and Chinese Elm. The Junípero is an evergreen tree, while the Elm is a deciduous tree that loses its leaves (or at least a part of them) during the Fall and Winter. Assuming your tree is not shedding for the season of the year, but rather that there is some underlying problem, here is what to watch out for:
Again, overwatering is a common issue. Watering too much, while the tree is planted in a substrate mix that holds too much water, will lead to root rot and the tree to lose its leaves. Be sure to only water when necessary; which is when the substrate has slightly dried.
Another reason could be that your tree has a pest or disease, which should be visible on your tree.
Finally, too much compost or too little compost in general, will cause your tree to lose strength and consequently lose its leaves.

How can I prevent my Bonsai from losing its leaves?
As discussed before, a Bonsai loses its leaves as a result of improper care. What you need to do first is determine what type of species you have and read the specifics of your care guide. It’s as simple as that!