The centenary olive tree is an evergreen fruit tree that is very popular in gardens. It is one of those that best resists drought and heat, and also one of the few that does not need to be cold during the winter to produce a large quantity of fruits.
When to transplant an olive tree
However, if we want it to have good growth and better development, it is important that we know when to transplant a macrobonsai olive tree, because if we do it at the wrong time we can harm it and thus lose a season.
How is an olive tree transplanted?
Its cultivation and care is very simple, since it only needs a sunny exposure and one or two weekly waterings in the decorative olive trees. As it grows wild in limestone soils, which can get flooded once a year with the torrential rains typical of the Mediterranean, if we have this type of soil in the garden we can plant it there without problems.
But, when is an olive tree transplanted? That is, when do you have to move it to a larger pot or to the garden? To know for sure, the best we can do is watch for roots growing out of the pot’s drainage holes. If so, then it will be time to transplant it. Now, you have to know that it is not a good idea to pass it to the garden if it is 20 centimeters high or less, since we could easily lose it unless we protect it with a wire mesh (grid).