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Do you want to plant fruit trees in the garden but don’t know which ones are the best? Did you know that factors such as the surface, humidity or light in your garden influence when growing a type of tree?

How to classify my fruit trees

The first thing you should know is that fruit trees have different sizes. They are classified into small, medium and large. The little ones can grow up to 6 meters tall. Medium ones, between 6 and 15 meters, and large ones over 15 meters. It is important to take it into account when choosing the tree, and depending on the size of your garden.

Direct light for lemon trees

The lemon tree can grow up to 7 meters high. Do not be impatient, because it usually takes an average of two years to bear the first fruits. The ideal temperature for its growth is 20º or 22ºC and they do not usually tolerate very low temperatures. Lemon trees need a lot of direct light and a lot of water.

Nocturnal irrigation favors the growth of the orange tree

The orange tree is a tree very sensitive to the wind. It requires direct light and they need a lot of fertilizer. It should be watered regularly but not excessively, and it is preferable to do it at night. To promote the growth of its fruits, it is advisable to prune the orange tree from the first year.

Humid climate for banana

The banana tree requires a warm climate and constant humidity. The ideal temperature for its development is 26-27ºC, with prolonged rains. Therefore, the ideal place for its growth is an area near the sea.

Sun for apple trees

The apple tree is often easily grown in any well-drained soil. These trees need sun all day but also require rest in winter. You should avoid planting them in dark areas and with the arrival of spring, it is important that you receive the first rays of light.

From January to March: the best months for flowering peach trees

The peach tree occurs especially in the Murcia region. This tree can withstand very low temperatures, although late frosts can damage its fruits and seeds. It should be watered but you must avoid excessive humidity. This tree also needs a large amount of light, avoiding excesses of it on the branches and trunk. This is why pruning is so important. January, February and March are the months of greatest flowering.

Temperate climates for cherry trees

The cherry tree should be planted in well-drained soil with great depth so that its roots can grow. They grow in temperate climates and their flowers are sensitive to frost. Harvesting of cherries has a normal duration of about fifteen weeks, beginning in April and lasting until August.