Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Roses are one of the most beautiful, traditional and fragrant flowers you can plant in your garden, there are no roses without thorns, but these great flowers have the advantage of not requiring much care, all they need is a little attention, a Sunny position and a good drainage.

Any variety of roses look good in the garden, but it is important to check which ones can grow better depending on the area in which you live by consulting a regional guide rose.

Types of roses for gardens

Floribunda: it is the most colorful and flowers freely in leafy shrubs that produce groups of between 3 and 15 buds, these shrubs can grow isolated, but the result will be more colorful if they are planted together and forming rows.

Rosebush hybrid tea: is one of the most popular rose bushes and grows in the form of vertical shrubs that produce a single flower for each stem

Grandiflora: it is a mixture between the floribunda and the hybrid rose of tea, can reach to reach 1.80 m of height, producing the classic hybrid tea roses.

Landscape roses: this type of roses can reach different sizes and shapes, can adapt to any landscape, grow close to the ground and are naturally resistant to disease.

Rosebush climber: bring life to any garden and grows around fences and bars, have long arched stems that can produce many flowers, covering columns, walls or any structure that supports them.

Rosebush miniature: they are the smallest that exist and can grow anywhere, reaching between 15 cm and 70 cm, they bloom continuously and are great for planting in flowerpots bordering gardens, adapting perfectly to small places

Rosebush high standing: it has very strong roots grafted to a long stem to the end of which a rose is grafted, is visually spectacular, but requires more care to survive the winter.