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If you want to improve the quality of plantations and increase the amount of nutrients in the soil, organic fertilizers are just what you need. Among the advantages of using organic fertilizers, there is also its ability to increase the microbial activity of the soil, as well as the low energy consumption that its preparation requires compared to other fertilizers.
What are organic fertilizers.

Organic fertilizers are handcrafted fertilizers whose composition is based on animal and vegetable waste and residues, as well as woody and industrial remains. These wastes are degraded and mineralized to generate a compound which, when mixed with the soil, optimizes its chemical, physical and biological characteristics, thus leaving the ground ready to obtain healthy vegetable harvests.

This type of fertilizer is usually more expensive than inorganic fertilizer for a reason is very simple: organic fertilizers are essential to replace the organic matter that human activity produces on the ground, while inorganic fertilizers are not. Likewise, the use of organic fertilizers improves the absorption and drainage of water in the soil, thus facilitating carbon fixation on the ground and the formation of nutrients.
The premise of the use of organic fertilizers is to decrease the production of chemical agents for the treatment of soils. Although artificial fertilizers apparently reduce costs, their environmental impact is considerably more significant. Organic fertilizers, on the other hand, represent a sustainable alternative that has been progressively adopted in organic farming and intensive cultivation.

Types of organic fertilizers
As we have seen, orchards can optimize their development thanks to organic compounds. Disregarding the different types of chemical fertilizers and other chemical fertilizers will allow you to conserve the soil with an ideal degree of nutrients for the conservation of your plants and the environment. Next, we present some types of organic fertilizers ideal for the care and conservation of orchards and plantations.

Compost compost

Compost is the best known of organic fertilizers. It is a fertilizer that is obtained from the decomposition of organic compounds such as vegetable remains, fruits, vegetables, eggshells, food remains, paper ashes, expired yogurts and animal manure. The remains are arranged in layers and preserved for three or four months at high temperatures (60-70ºC) and from there a brown mixture, free of microbes, is obtained, ideal for spreading on plantations.


It is a nitrogen-rich variant of common compost that consists of earthworm feces, black earth, and ordinary compost. Californian red worms are ideal for their preparation, being a rich source of acetic and humic acids.

This fertilizer consists of fossilized organic matter from minerals, carbohydrates, and humic and humic acids. It is obtained by accumulating large sources of plant matter, subjecting them to freezing temperatures with little oxygenation and abundant water. The final mixture is a free carbon, ideal for improving the pH of the soil.

Organic amendment

This concentrated fertilizer comes from the mixture of various decomposed organic fertilizers such as peat, compost and manure. Humic amendments can be solid or liquid, and among the latter, compost tea (common compost rested in water), a highly effective liquid organic fertilizer, stands out.


Rich in phosphorus and potassium, wood ash, firewood, and incinerated dry leaves can be recycled and made into excellent organic fertilizers. Do you know how this is accomplished? It is achieved by mixing the ashes with the substrate and the irrigation water of the crops, something that improves the pH of eminently acid soils.

Biol fertilizer

This compound is based on manure fermented in a drum for two or three months. The manure extract should be mixed with ash and water, in addition to alfalfa, molasses and yeast leaves. The compound must be fermented with organic waste until a moist and viscous mixture is obtained, which must be spread on the leaves of the plants. In addition, it should be noted that the biol fertilizer works as a pesticide and facilitates the development of vegetable fruits.


Biofertilizers are composed of essences of natural microorganisms residing in the soil and allow, among other things, to fix nitrogen to the soil, as well as to capture phosphorus from solid waste. Its main function is to provide nutrients to the plantations to improve the growth and development of the crops.

Biosolids from sewage

These organic fertilizers basically use treated sewage water, which can be used to irrigate crops whose soil denotes a high concentration of pathogens. The waters