Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

One of the most important points when it comes to growing bonsai is that they stay alive and healthy for as long as possible. Although it seems obvious, many people worry more about aspects such as pruning or wiring, losing sight of a fundamental point that is the life of the bonsai.

Among the factors that will decide on the duration and quality of life of bonsai is the substrate that we use to grow it. The substrate is the base or soil where our bonsai will grow and thanks to which it will develop, for this reason, we must make a good choice of it.

The most suitable substrate to grow a bonsai
The main characteristic that the best substrate for a bonsai must have is that it drains the water very well and this means that the substrate must allow the water with which we irrigate the small tree to reach the roots efficiently and not remain stagnant. . This drainage is important since if the substrate retains water it could cause the roots of the bonsai to rot and therefore cause its death.
In addition, it is good if the substrate contains akadma or granular clay of reddish or brown color, since many experts recommend it as a fundamental part of the perfect substrate and it has been proven that, this way, the life of bonsai is extended. It is a mineral of volcanic origin that is only found in Japan and its specific structure allows it to maintain an ideal humidity level for the proper development of bonsai. So a base or soil that contains this clay will be the best substrate for a bonsai.