Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The concept of xero-gardening was developed in the United States in 1981, in the state of Colorado, in a joint effort of the Denver Department of Water, Colorado State University and the Colorado Landscaping Association. After the severe droughts 70s in the western United States, this left the need to build gardens with low water consumption, formulating principles of design and conception of the garden that constituted what we know today by xero-gardening.

Designs of the xero-gardening

A xero-garden is not a garden full of cactus and prickly pears, nor a place of dry aspect, without turf, dominated by earthy and brown colors. Any type of plant, when located in the right place and under proper maintenance, can be used in xero-gardening. The xero-gardening is based on the efficient use of water. Most autochthonous species are naturally efficient in water. Learning the natural landscape that surrounds us is the key.

Before planting or transplanting the plants we must work the soil a bit. We measured its pH, aerated it, padded, incorporated compost, watered it and let it stand for a week. We must gather as much information as possible on soil type, orientation, prevailing winds, water availability, climatology, spontaneous vegetation, functionality, maintenance, decoration, etc.

It is important to group the plants according to the requirements of water, making three divisions in the garden known as hydrozones.

In the zone of low consumption or dry we will only need to water punctually only during the hotter months.

In the area of moderate consumption or moderate irrigation they will need occasional irrigation.

Also, if desired, you can add a zone of high consumption or wet zone will be the smallest of the three zones and will require more usual irrigations to be able to be maintained. Other elements to take into account are the incorporation of trees or shrubs that can shade the plants and maintain fresher environments.