Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Currently there are different types of bonsai, but there are some that are easier to care for, cultivate and handle without damaging them. Some of the factors, characteristics or recommendations that should be taken into account to know for making a bonsai easier to care for are the following:

One of the recommendations if you want to have bonsai easier to care for is to keep them outside of homes, offices, among others so that they receive the necessary light, although if you want to have inside the place you need to be in a window where receive a certain proportion of light and shade so that it can grow naturally.

Suggestions and tips

Another recommendation is to choose a species that adapts to our area or region as this facilitates its adaptation and growth.

The characteristics that should be taken into account for a bonsai easier to care for are: they are easy to grow, easy to maintain their shape and style, resistant to the different climatic changes that may occur in the area or region, learn about the care like pruning, wiring, watered of water, fertilizer that favors it and to respect the rate of growth of the tree.

The bonsai easier to care for

The olive bonsai is characterized by being quite resistant to the cold, they can be cultivated always in the outside. Bonsai ficus, is characterized by its good resistance to being inside homes. Elm is also one of the bonsai easier to care for so is the carpinus, which tends to withstand lower temperatures. It is one of the most colorful in terms of its leaves and flowers.

The malus, buxus, cotoneaster and ligustrum are also found as easy-care bonsai since they withstand well to -5 ° C winters and usually give small fruits and blooms.