Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

When buying an olive tree for the garden should take into account some tips to prepare the ground so that the tree adapts to the selected land and remains healthy; In addition to meticulous details on how to prepare the land and how it should be the maintenance of the land in general to have a beautiful and healthy olive tree.

To begin, you should choose a place a little removed from the surface of the house since its roots tend to expand a little over the years and may affect the foundations of your home. Similarly, it must be remembered that the best land for planting and maintenance is a clay surface due to the drainage and natural moisture of the soil.

Regarding the maintenance of the land

It is also worth mentioning that because it is a tree with a warm atmosphere and that it occurs on Mediterranean and somewhat arid lands, the olive tree needs to receive the rays of the sun at all times, so a place should be chosen where the sun’s rays reach directly.

It is important to point out that in sandy or loose terrains it tends to take root more deeply while in compact terrains it maintains a firmer rootedness. For the maintenance of the land the irrigation of the olive tree should be constant as soon as it is planted to avoid dehydration, taking into account the coolest hours of the day, either in the morning or at night, becoming less and less constant without losing the frequency.

Avoid pests

Take into account also that the olive tree can suffer from pests that weaken its growth, so the constant watering and movement of the earth with insecticide preparations in spring periods mainly, strengthen the bark of your olive tree to prepare for the cold seasons and the various climatic changes that may occur.

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