How to Plant Grass – Macrobonsai®

The grass is a plant of the grass family that is produced by stolons or weak stems that grow parallel to the ground and give rise to new plants. The color of the grass is greenish. In addition, this plant has a good adaptation to hot climates and humid soils with good irrigation. It is […]
La recolección de la aceituna ¿Cuándo se recoge la aceituna? – Macrobonsai®

Es en el olivo, árbol de origen eminentemente mediterráneo y perteneciente a la variedad Olea europaea, donde comienza la vida del aceite de oliva virgen extra y, concretamente, en su fruto: la aceituna. La obtención de este preciado zumo empieza en el campo, pero atraviesa diferentes etapas. De todas ellas, la recolección es uno de los momentos […]
Cómo sembrar tomates en una maceta – Macrobonsai®

El tomate es una de las frutas más consumidas mundialmente, y a pesar de que no es un producto caro, en algunos países el kilo puede tener un coste elevado. Por ello, hay personas que deciden aprender a cómo cultivar tomates en macetas en casa, una muy buena opción que no nos llevará mucho tiempo si prestamos […]
The cultivation of olive trees outside the Mediterranean

The origin of the olive tree is located in Asia Minor about six millennia ago and spread throughout the Mediterranean Basin to Southern Italy. The Romans expand olive cultivation when they arrived in North Africa and continue the expansion of the olive tree by the coastal countries of the Mediterranean. The cultivation of olive tree […]
Origin of the olive tree

According to ancient data the olive comes from the Mesopotamian region and expanded to Europe through Phoenicians and Greeks.This tree from its origin has had a close relationship with the sacred, mythological and even magical world since the Egyptians attributed to the Goddess Isis the merit of teaching how to cultivate; In the same way, […]
Ornamental pruning of olive trees

Ornamental pruning is a technique or geometric cut used to create and maintain a tree or shrub with some desired shape. This technique is based on regularly cutting the buds of branches and leaves that protrude from the established profile or design. In the case of olive trees, there are different types of ornamental pruning, […]
Protect the fruit of the olive tree after its extraction

The fruit of the olive tree, both the centenary and the millenary is the olive and from it is extracted an oil that is marketed as «olive oil», this is used for different purposes depending on the country and the need of consumers. It is important to know the importance of protect the fruit of […]
Can an olive tree be transplanted?

The transplant of an olive tree can be done, but a series of factors must be taken into account before transplanting it to avoid the death of the specimen. The factors and recommendations that should be taken into account to transplant an olive tree should be followed closely at all times during the procedure. When […]
How to know the age of an olive tree

Millenary olive trees are characterized by exceeding 4 meters of perimeter in the trunk that each perimeter grows every 200 years, is also characterized by reaching 2 to 4 meters in height and for more than 200 years. To know the age of an olive it is necessary to make a cut in a section […]
Where an olive tree should be planted?

The planting of an olive tree can be done on terraces or terraces with minimal erosion and possible water loss, in ridges, level cures, in soils with a good surface profile for cultivation, but with drainage difficulties. To plant an olive tree, several suitable procedures are usually done for a perfect result. Recommendations when planting […]