Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The grass is a plant of the grass family that is produced by stolons or weak stems that grow parallel to the ground and give rise to new plants. The color of the grass is greenish. In addition, this plant has a good adaptation to hot climates and humid soils with good irrigation. It is widely used to form part of lawns and has the property of growing in any direction.

How to prepare the ground to plant grass?

You have to make sure that the soil has the necessary humidity, that is, that you are going to water it lightly by spraying it until you notice that the substrate is wet, but not waterlogged. Later, you are going to make sure to remove with the plow all the weeds that are in the area where you are going to plant the grass.

Fertilize the land using compost and natural fertilizer. Be sure to measure the pH of the substrate, which should be between 6.0 and 7.0. You can apply sulfur in the event that it exceeds the estimated degree or alkalinize if it is lower.

Before planting the grass, keep in mind if you are going to install an automated underground irrigation system or you are going to water manually. Remember that the grass needs, mostly, watering once a day.

Now you are going to proceed to plant the grass. For this you can apply two methods: the first is planting by seed and the second is by planting previously germinated grass plates.

How to plant grass from sowing?

  1. If you are going to plant the grass through direct sowing by seeds you can do it manually or with a sowing machine. Keep in mind that the seeds must be placed evenly, calculating about 4 kg of seed for every 100 m / 2 of land.
  2. You can do the planting of these seeds by spreading them by hand.
  3. Then you must pass a rake to cover the seeds with substrate.
  4. Subsequently, you are going to add a layer of substrate to the entire terrain.
  5. As a final step you are going to water. You have to do this at least twice a day without generating puddles.
  6. Germination can take up to 5 weeks. Be patient!

How to plant grass on plates?

  1. In this case, what is done is to plant rows of previously germinated grass. The preparation of the ground must be done in a similar way to sowing by seed, with the exception that you have to water the ground a day before to guarantee that the previously germinated grass begins to take advantage of the nutrients of the soil where it is going to be planted.
  2. As a next step, place the grass blocks parallel to each other.
  3. You should avoid going over the plates while you are sowing.
  4. Do not worry if there are empty spaces, these will be automatically filled as the grass grows.
  5. Lastly, run a gardening tool like a roll to set all the plates well.
  6. In a couple of weeks the grass will have started to grow evenly if all the previous steps were applied to the letter.

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