Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

There is doubt about whether the millenary olive tree can get sick, unfortunately like all living beings, there are some external agents that can cause diseases in the olive tree and it is important to identify them and know how to treat them in time so that they heal soon and can recover from these setbacks. Next we will mention some common diseases in this type of tree and the way in which we must act to avoid that it deteriorates.

Millennial olive diseases

Among the diseases that attack the olive tree are the lead poison, olive verticillium, soapy olive, escudete, negrilla, olive tuberculosis or warts and tumors or neck gills. So, what to do if one of those diseases attacks your olive tree.

Most of these diseases of the millenary olive tree are attacked with copper, either in the form of copper oxide, red copper, Bordeaux broth, copper oxychloride, blue copper with Maneb and / or Zineb that counteract, with their correct application the effects of these illnesses.

Recommendations in the future

However, some very peculiar diseases such as Verticillium do not have a fully functioning chemical treatment, it is recommended in this term, to perform a good maintenance and to prevent the presence of infected shoots. In the same way, when locating the bud it must be extracted from the roots and it is recommended to leave the whole open for at least a year to prevent future outbreaks from becoming infected.

Another of the diseases that the millennial olive tree can suffer is the tuberculosis of the olive tree, which consists of small warts or tumors that occur between the birth of branches and twigs, however it is known that in very affected trees the thickest branches can be cut to prevent it from continuing to expand.

Luckily, it does not cause uncontrollable harm, since there are olive trees that have suffered from this disease and with proper maintenance and care are preserved for many years. Know more of the care for olive trees by clicking here.

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