Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The transplant of an olive tree can be done, but a series of factors must be taken into account before transplanting it to avoid the death of the specimen. The factors and recommendations that should be taken into account to transplant an olive tree should be followed closely at all times during the procedure.

When transplanting an olive tree

One day should be chosen between the months of December and January to carry out the transplant of the olive tree, avoiding in this way to do it in warm months or in spring and summer time since it is at that time when the olive feeds what will be their future fruits.

To transplant an olive tree, it is necessary to carry out a previous pruning before extracting it from the ground since the change of place causes the loss of some roots, branches and leaves. With this pruning is achieved in balance of the olive tree while it adapts, adjusts and fits again its roots to the new place of location, in the event that pruning is not carried out, the tree can fall due to the wrong distribution of the weight and the lack of roots that balance it.

Details and tips

It is important to prepare the land where the olive will be planted. This land must have good drainage, weeds and plagues that may exist in the place of planting must be eliminated previously, at least more than one meter around its trunk. In the same way, when transplanting an olive tree it is necessary to make a hole with more than one meter of depth and with a good diameter so that the roots are well distributed.

At the moment when the olive is removed from the ground, for any reason, the soil adhering to the roots should be cleaned and they should be wrapped with a resistant canvas or plastic to avoid, during their transfer, the rupture or loss of the roots since they contribute to the fixation and nutrition of the olive tree in the new place where it will be planted.