Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The Olives are considered majestic and ornamental trees coveted for their beautiful foliage, the peace they transmit and their abundant fruits, which makes them one of the most valued European goods in the international market. In this article we will give you some small tips on how to maintain the care of the olive tree after the winter season and how you can prepare it for these cold climates throughout the year.

The planting of the olive tree is an extremely important detail; At this point it can be determined that the type of soil in which it will be planted will allow its development in a better way, which will facilitate its irrigation, its maintenance and its foliage being bright and with abundant fruit. It is recommended that the plantation be made in clay soil with good drainage and depth for a better grip or anchoring of the roots.

For the care of the olive tree

The olive to be typical of a warm climate, has the ability to nourish itself only with rainwater, however if the olive is in a pot, it is important to monitor the constant and moderate watering, as well as the land it contains, drain the water to avoid stagnation and that the roots may rot.

The pruning of the tree is one of the most important and delicate care that should be taken care of the olive tree; this allows the healthy and fruitful growth of the plant. It is recommended to carry it out at the end of winter between the months of January and February.

Practical tips

This particular pruning is an aesthetic pruning that reveals the natural beauty of this beautiful specimen and preserves it throughout the year.

However, olive care requires pruning at least two or three times a year to clean it of pests, possible fungi or deteriorated weeds, only if necessary; since the main pests that an olive tree can have are the olive fly, the moth and the cochineal of the soot.

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