Buy olive trees in Tarragona

The beautiful city of Tarragona is known for its beautiful coastlines and fantastic landscapes where it is a good idea to have a house with a spacious garden, and of course as a centerpiece of an imposing garden could not miss the inclusion of a formidable olive tree. These ancestral trees can give a touch […]
10 things you must know about centenary olive trees

The centenary olive trees are imposing plants that are well known by their rustic appearance and great presence but there are many facts about these gorgeous trees that you probably do not know, that is why we offer this top so you can know more about the highlights, the curious facts and important information about […]
What is a millennial olive?

A millennial olive is a majestic tree characterized by its resistant nature and imposing appearance. They come from the Mediterranean region and the Iberian Peninsula and one of their main characteristic is it long live time and high resistant to the hardest climate conditions including long droughts and arid climates, sprouting after hard times with […]
What is a centenarian olive tree?

A centenarian olive tree is a variety of tree highly extended throughout all the Mediterranean and receives its tittle of centenary because they are specimens that thanks to its slow rate of growth are able to live a lot more than even thousands of years remaining formidably firm to the passage of the years. They […]
When to trim millenary olive trees?

The millenary olive trees are formidable trees original from the Mediterranean that have become really popular thanks to the delicious oil that is obtained from their fruit, as well as its aesthetic imposing and robust appearance. It is a tree known for its slow growth which generally allows the individuals to reach really advanced ages […]
Millennials olive tree for your garden

One of the most appreciated trees in the world are the millennials olive tree, because they have stood strong throughout millions of years keeping firm and resistant and giving of all the benefits besides conserving of an imposing appearance that makes then the ideal tree to preserve in any garden for many years. You can […]
Colorful shrubs for garden decoration

The colorful shrubs represent a way of adding life and beauty to the gardens, which are very useful in all the gardens for their sizes and flowers that keep the gardens full of colors during all the seasons. Colorful shrubs to decorate the garden Abelia Grandiflora: perennial shrub of great rusticity, can reach 1,5m of […]
Centennial olive tree care during cold seasons

The olive tree is a tree of great importance around the Mediterranean, very popular in Spain, being able to find about 250 varieties of this spice. The olive tree is a tree of the family Oleacea which has thin leaves perennial type and twisted trunk, these qualities make it relatively resistant to adverse weather conditions […]
The most suitable garden plants for summer

Having a garden at home is a great way to have a space of meditation and rest, proper to spend time with family or transcend loneliness. There are all kinds of plants that can live in all kinds of temperatures and environments within the plantae kingdom, existing species of different sizes and colors to create […]
Macrobonsai: Buy Olive trees have never been easier

In Macrobonsai we offer olive bonsai pruning patented and highly experienced in caring for bonsai. Our main product, bonsai olive tree: heritage of the Mediterranean transformed into art, with care and respect that deserve these magnificent plants, in our hands is high quality for an unbeatable over. Bonsai olive tree with Macrobonsai With different sizes […]