Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Tips for bonsai care

Consejos para el cuidado de bonsáis

A bonsai is a tree that requires exceptional care in their full development; however, it’s not a difficult task for instincts garden. A bonsai care routine in which it’s invested in a short time can maintain this minimum scale tree in perfect condition. The site where it will be placed, irrigation and fertilizer are the […]

The best plants for gardens and outdoors

Las mejores plantas para jardines y exteriores

A garden plant must have the perfect balance between strength and beauty, where the plant resistance plays a crucial factor because it determines the level of care that we must make to it. Then there is the factor most: the beauty of the plants; however, as it is known, the more beautiful a flower is […]

Landscaper vision for decorating your garden

Visión paisajista para la decoración de tu jardín

Your garden; spiritual, elegant, harmonious, peaceful space; there is no greater sense of satisfaction than having a garden that meets our tastes on the art of life, based on beautiful plants placed in the perfect position and with the utmost care they deserve. There are many ways for garden decoration, with spacious gardens in small […]

4 proposals for garden design

Diseño de jardines con olivos centenarios

Each garden is unique, and it’s difficult to categorize each created under own imagination by category; however, there are proposals for garden design that can meet most needs and ensure safe provision and exceptional decor of your natural space. Disposition garden – fountain This type of garden design has at its center a source of […]

Five Tips for Raising a Bonsai at Home

5 Consejos para Criar un Bonsai en Casa con material apoyo

Have and see grow a bonsai at home is an interesting experience, much more if we take care of it ourselves; as it is an activity that promotes the spirit because it requires creativity, patience and perseverance to be an exercise that lasts several years and this is the challenge: raising a bonsai at home. […]

Original ideas for garden decoration

Ideas originales para la decoración de jardines

The gardens are oeuvres of natural art. They contain a high meaning and value for the care, but need not always be covered with beautiful flowers, tall trees and flowering shrubs. A garden can acclimate with creative ideas, with various themes or a specific architecture; therefore, here are some original ideas for garden decoration: Wooden […]