Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

It is incredible to get on the planet species that have managed to surpass the great climatic changes and to survive conditions, historical stages and thousands of risks. Trees are one of the species that best represent the longevity and majesty of life on the planet, as is the case of millenary olive trees, which age every 200 years.

This type of trees have more than 4 meters of perimeter in the trunk, this one is strong and rough, in addition, its glass tends to be tall and leafy, they arrive to measure up to 2 meters, giving home to many animals like birds. They are considered ancestral and people say they bring good fortune.

History and characteristics

In the world there are many cultures and museums of millenary olive trees, it is believed that the cultures of the West began, thousands of thousands of years ago the cultivation of these olive trees and traditions of Mediterranean countries took them as heritage for centuries.

They are slow growing so their trunk grows every 200 years and are excellent to endure long periods of drought since they do not require continuous watering, do not need water or moist spaces, on the contrary, they grow in warm zones, dry and arid areas where they are continuously exposed to the sun.

Millenary olive trees do not require great care this is why they are used to decorate gardens and fields, the ideal is to take into account details such as avoiding excess water when watering them, choosing a large and open space where planting can grow without hindrance and continually wipe them from weeds.

Fruits and importance

In spring they give flowers and at different times of the year give fruits known by all as olives, from which the extra virgin olive oil is extracted, which has great properties and serves for human consumption.

Throughout the years it has represented fortune and peace, the millenary olive trees are symbolisms of longevity, strength and virtue.