Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

This species of trees are considered of great abundance and fortune, they are really great in size, this type of trees are appreciated by its beauty and majesty. They are of leafy glass that covers great space and serves as shade in gardens, besides giving home to small birds. The millenary olive tree is of great importance since it manages to have more than 200 years.

They are considered millenary unlike the centennial because they surpass the 4 meters of perimeter in the trunk and reach heights of between 2 to 4 meters. Each perimeter of the trunk of a millenary olive tree grows every 200 years. They have many years in the history of the humanity, being part of a tradition from the countries of the Mediterranean.

The age of a millenary olive tree

The trees have a wood formed by concentric rings of growths that indicate the annual increases of these plants, reason why when cutting a section of the trunk, can be observed rings that correspond to the phases of the growth of a tree, for example, the first rings indicate the wood was formed in its young phases and the rings of darker areas of wood indicate the last years of the tree.

With a millenary olive tree is a little more complicated the task of measuring their years since they do not have rings in their interior because the trunks tend to be hollow, reason why its age can be known thanks to a mathematical model where it relates the age with variables of the trunk, such as diameter, perimeter and radius.


To the olives of this type they go well the warm temperatures, they are of great height, arriving to measure many meters with very advanced ages and even 4 meters in the perimeter of the trunk. The ancient olive tree does not require continuous watering as it can rot, nor does it need direct exposure to the sun.

They are trees really venerated by their great characteristics, they are considered majestic and ancestral, and in addition, their fruits are of great consumption and have good properties.