Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

Having a centennial olive tree represents great abundance and fortune for a garden, to buy one you can browse on the internet and discover many options or go to a nursery specialized in this class of olive trees. If already this tree is part of your garden, it is ideal to take into account small details to take care of a centennial olive tree in the right way.

In the first place,  the ideal is to know them, the centennial olive are trees that live between 100 to 200 years, have many years on the planet and are considered by many, trees of great importance and scope. They have a rough and hard crust, generally hollow but strengthened by the years, in addition, they have leafy cups that make them look imposing.

Planting details

This type of trees are ancestral, so to take care of a centennial olive tree you must take into account previous details, especially at the time of planting. For example, look for the correct location, they do not require so much sun, so the position where they will be placed should also bring them shade.

When digging the hole where they will be buried it must be three times greater than the base of the tree, so it must have its adequate space to grow. When being planted, the soil must be cleaned under old logs or roots to make the adaptation of the olive tree more comfortable.

Daily Care

The stagnant and excess water is fatal for centennial olive trees, so the type of land where they are planted should allow drainage, and should not be covered with a lot of soil, only a few centimeters will be fine.

Once planted, certain routines must be carried out to take care of a centennial olive tree, such as the following:

Watering: These types of trees do not require much water, but having a drip system is the best way to not drown them.

Cut branches and bad grass: There are many unwanted plants that grow at the foot of the tree and around the trunk, they must be stripped to keep clean the centennial olive tree.