Horario: Lun a Vie 9.00 a 13.00 - 14:30 a 18:30 Sab y Dom 10:00 a 13:30

The olive trees in Spain is usually cultivated in the Mediterranean basin where it represents 95% of the crop and in regions where the climate is usually mild. The cultivation in Spain was influenced by the Arabs.

It was they who introduced their varieties in southern Spain. And it was the Spaniards who brought these crops to America because of the discovery of the continent in 1492.

The olive trees in Spain

Currently, Spain is one of the countries with the largest number of olive trees, with more than 300 million trees, surpassing Greece and Italy; it is the first exporting country in the world since it has the ranking of world production of olive oil with approximately 1,200,000 tons per year.

These characteristics of cultivation of olive trees in Spain give the country an enormous economic heritage and a great social, environmental, cultural and public health value.

Olive trees in Spain tend to have intensive and superintesive hedge cultivation systems. The difference of these systems lies in the form of land use, capital, labor and the amount of olive trees grown per hectare, where the superintesivos is superior to intensive with a total of 1,500 trees / hectare.

The best olive oil in the world

Spanish olive oil has achieved so much power and positioning that its commercial brands are among the best in the world and the most recognized for its excellent quality. There are even small and medium producers that manage to export or sell their products, obtaining enough income to maintain their land.

The cultivation of olive trees in Spain is of such magnitude that it is part of its historical and cultural tradition, of the landscape and of the economy of the country. This crop is not only used to obtain olive oil, since it is also usually consumed in some households in a lesser proportion, such as table olives.